Hello Blogging World, My Name is Nathan Nowack.

As I branch out into the world of Internet exposure, I noticed I had been limiting my ramblings and detailed descriptions to my travel blog. But after creating a Flickr account, two Myspace accounts, a Facebook page and Facebook Fan page, a JPG Magazine account, an Orkut account, and accounts on multiple photography related forums and photo sharing sites, I decided why not add one more. So here I am.

This may be the only post you ever read. This may even be the only time you ever see my page. But with 6 billion people living in the world, I have to expect at least a few people will enjoy my photography, relate to what I write, and feel a little bit happier each time they read a new posting. I’m definitely not an English scholar, nor do I consider most of what I write grammatically correct, but I do write what I feel and think, isn’t that what blogging is all about?

I photograph everything, from elaborate weddings to family portraits.  I’ve done real estate photography, travel photography, and photojournalism.  I experiment with lightning photos, long exposures, photoshop, stitching, HDR, and time lapse.  It’s all interesting to me so I hope you enjoy what you see.

So I leave you with a WELCOME to my page, a few PHOTOS so you understand what I have to offer, and an invitation to leave COMMENTS, send LINKS, be my FRIEND, buy a PRINT, or just send me an EMAIL.


Nathan Nowack

Shipwreck Maheno - Australia- Fraser Island