An African Safari one hour away from home.

Living in Southern California provides so many things to do that you almost get overwhelmed and forget what you wanted to see in the first place.  Of all the activities, one thing that had been on my list was to see Wild Animal Park near San Diego.  This huge, open grounds zoo is north of San Diego and east of Escondido.  It’s very well designed, and has lots of things to see.  I definitely didn’t feel sorry for the animals here, where at some zoo’s the cages seem too cramp.  I liked seeing giraffes roaming the land, lions sitting in the shade, and meerkats sitting on their manor.  It may not be a real African Safari, but it definitely had a lot of things to see.


2 things to note, is make sure you get the $34 best value package.  This allows you a free African Safari tram ride around the grounds and gives for a nice overview.  Although, not overly exciting, it was still nice to circle the roaming grounds.   Also, with 3 dollars for a small cup, you can buy nectar and feed the lorikeets in a large enclosed exhibit.  The lorikeets jump right up onto your hands and start eating the nectar.  This is an amazing opportunity for photos.  Also nearby was a petting zoo for deer and other field animals.  Very cute photo op for the kids.

Overall I had a great time, although the heat was intense.  Luckily, they had thought of that as well and numerous water misters were spread out all over the park giving you short moments of cool water spritzers.

Enjoy the photos!